Porcelain Veneers in Metrotown

Porcelain Veneers Near You

Dental veneers improve the shape, colour, and size of an existing tooth. Veneers are thin and translucent making them look and feel natural.  ACU Dental and Orthodontics in Burnaby has turned the craft of veneers into an art. To learn more about veneers, contact our friendly team and we’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Using advanced techniques, we can enhance your smile. We use only high -quality dental materials. Our veneers will look and feel like your natural teeth. We will make sure that you get the smile that you’ve always wanted.

The Benefits of Receiving Porcelain Veneers

Veneers improve the appearance of your smile which can improve your self-confidence. They are a quick dental treatment that doesn’t typically even require an anesthetic. They’re often used by prominent business people and celebrities. Using modern technology, veneers can be made to look like natural tooth enamel and transform your smile. High-quality porcelain is used for natural, long-lasting veneers.

The Process of Receiving Porcelain Veneers

If you’re looking to receive porcelain veneers in Metrotown, you will first schedule a consultation to see if you’re eligible. After our dentist determines you’re an ideal candidate to receive porcelain veneers, we will take impressions of your teeth to create your custom-fit veneers. Our dentist will then remove a tiny amount of enamel so your veneers will fit seamlessly. Once we receive your veneers from the lab, we will schedule your second appointment to fit and permanently bond them.

If you have any questions about receiving porcelain veneers near you, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Maintaining Your Veneers

Our dentist recommends the following tips to prolong the lifespan of your veneers:

    • Maintain good oral hygiene.
    • Avoid hard or sticky foods.
    • Avoid using your teeth as a “tool.”

For more on veneers or to schedule an appointment, contact ACU Dental and Orthodontics today.

porcelain veneers in metrotown


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ACU Dental & Orthodontics Metrotown Centre

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(604) 439-7744